
Career Development: Tips & Tools For Success

Woman using a Macbook Pro to code, career development


Recently, we checked in with our community on social media about job security and career development. Here we share some of our insights and provide you loads of useful tips, tools and resources for your career development.

Last week, as companies started transitioning to working from home – we wanted to check in with our community. We asked our Instagram family some questions about how they were feeling about their career development, current job security, what were they doing to look for new roles and which industry sectors were interesting them.

We thought we’d share some of our insights into your thoughts on career development right now, along with as many useful tips, tools and resources as possible.

Cartoon woman crashing through wall, Business Success, Career Development Concept

70% of you were nervous about the security of their current role 

What can you do? 

  1. Brush up your CVgithub or portfolio 
  2. Sign up to the SheCanCode job board 
  3. Get in touch with a SheCanCode career consultant 
  4. Do some preliminary Linkedin research 
  5. Make an action plan – ideal companies, roles, upskilling opportunities…  

76% of you were looking for a new job & almost half of you were actively interviewing 

  • Check out this really useful guide to preparing for a remote interview by Silicon Republic 
  • Our own blog breaks down technical interviews – a great skill to master
  • Register for our job alerts to keep up to date with new roles as soon as they become live on our job board

Only 38% of you said your current role is usually done remotely 

If you’re new to more than a day’s work from home at a time, how are you coping? We’ve put together some online events to make your time at home feel a bit more social. Podcasts are a great way of making that commute to work feel less painful. Well, now they can keep you company while cooking or doing exercise.

Online Events

Our very own webinar “Taking a different path into tech” is now sold out. But make sure to join our community so you can read our write up of what’s discussed. You’ll also be notified about our future events!


SheCanCode’s top picks feature techie podcasts, those made by women, for women and about women… and we’ve even included some non tech light relief choices from our team.

Woman using a Macbook Pro to code, career development

62% of you would consider a medtech role for your next career move 

Great news! You’ll find our blog “Do you need to know how to code before going into Healthtech?” super interesting.  

A huge 77% of you were interested in edtech roles 

Unsure of where to start looking? Take a look at “UK edtech startups to watch” 

If you’re on a mission to upskill, this article on The Top 5 Tech Trends That Will Disrupt Education In 2020 may prove useful!  

And 78% of you were keen on social impact roles  

You’re in luck as “tech for good” is massively on the rise.  

Browse through our blog featuring a compilation of AI & Tech For Good projects 

Finally, TechForGood.Global is a brilliantly curated collection of resources  – there’s content, jobs, events and more  



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