Meet Libby Swan – co-founder of PRDXN

Libby Swan


We had the honour of interviewing Libby Swan, co-founder of PRDXN, about being a woman in tech, her advice and favourite tools and resources.

We had the honour of speaking to Libby, co-founder of PRDXN.

Libby leads PRDXN’s team of 80+ engineers, testers, project managers, designers, and support functions across the Tri-State area (NY/NJ/CT), Denver, London, and Mumbai. Before co-founding PRDXN, Libby led high-performing technology and product teams at GE and AIG.

Learn more about Libby here and be sure to reserve your space here to learn more about Libby and ask any questions you may have.

How did you get into tech?

Dad bought home an Apple Mac (now considered “vintage”) in the 1980s. He figured his kids should start getting into computers as soon as we could. So I started breaking computers from the 80s onwards 😉 I literally would break computers – as in get the “blue screen of death” – so much so that I was banned from using Dad’s computer. I guess you could have called me the ultimate “test user”.

What is it about tech that you love?

The things it enables we humans to be able to do. Our brains have x processing power. Computers extend it. I consider my phone/computer an extension of my brain; there’s so much sh*t I no longer have to retain in my brain thanks to things like Google, etc. Which enables me to spend more time on problem-solving/being creative. Also, during this pandemic, where would we have been – mentally – if we’d not been able to connect with friends/family so easily via phone/video? So in summary, what I love about tech is the “comforts” and “abilities” it’s given humans as a species.

What’s been your career highlight so far?

Has that happened yet?

What challenges have you faced as a Female Founder?

I could look back and ID lots of challenges, but where does that get me? Looking back or looking sideways – especially to point fingers or find faults “outside” of myself – doesn’t exactly motivate. E.g. I listen to Taylor Swift’s “The Man” song and it infuriates me ;-). (Yes, I think I’ve become a bit of a Swiftie during my pandemic walks!) I do hope things get increasingly better with each generation.

On a more positive note – what tangible advice/guidance would you give to aspiring female founders?

Let curiosity lead you. Don’t listen blindly to the fear-mongers.

What does career success look like to you?

Whatever you define success as. My definition is not yours. Yours is not mine. Define it for yourself.

Two women cheering with their thumbs up looking out at scenery

Can you recommend 5 women we should be shining a light on?

Why just five? Can I recommend them all?

Here are five London-based women I met with (virtually and/or for a walk) in the past few days that I think are pretty cool…

Chisara Nwabara

Thaïs Montjean

Lauren Bartlett

Sarah Vick

Cindy Varga

Can you recommend any male allies/advocates we should be speaking to?

Tim Redgate (London)

Jon Eisenstein (NYC)

Tom Jarvis (London)

Mark Pollard (NYC)

Looking down on lots of open books

Tools, resources, organisations that are useful and helpful?

David Allen’s, “Getting Things Done”

(Recently) Tim Ferris podcasts

Ada’s List


SheCanCode 😉

Don’t have the tool/resource you need, don’t forget to JUST ASK! See image

What would you tell your younger, more junior self – with hindsight?

Just got asked that question recently on a podcast interview with Mark Pollard “Sweahead”. That podcast will probably be published here, soon.

My answer was essentially… “Your life is going to be beyond your imagination. Stop stressing so much.”


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