
Girl Up – Launch Your Tech Career in Europe

December 6, 2022
, 8:00 am
- 9:30 pm

Girl Up's Europe network is pleased to host a live career event for young women and current or recent university students interested in launching careers in the tech sector in Europe from Berlin to Paris to Zurich and beyond. The event will include a career advice panel with tips on applying to internships and jobs featuring women tech leaders from Berlin, Paris, London, Zurich, and elsewhere in Europe; a networking session; information about applying for Girl Up’s $1000 USD project awards + our free online leadership course; and an opportunity to enter our prize raffle.


Girl Up is a girl-centered leadership development initiative, focusing on equity for girls and women in spaces where they are unheard or underrepresented. We believe when girls and women are in positions of influence, they work to create a more just and equitable world for everyone.

Girl Up operates a global network of regional affiliates reaching 150,000 girls in 130 countries. We deliver evidence-based leadership development training through our girl-led Clubs, programs, and events. As members of a global movement, girls are a force for social good — connected to a Community of their peers who are advocating for policy change and advancing gender justice.

Founded in 2010 and hosted by the United Nations Foundation, Girl Up welcomes girls and youth of all gender identities to start a Club and join our movement to advance gender justice worldwide. Together, we are expanding girls’ skills, rights, and opportunities to lead and changing the face of leadership for generations to come.

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