
Made Redundant? Steps to Take Next

SheCanCode ask anything blog series


As part of SheCanCode’s mission to motivate, inspire and support women in tech, we’re launching a new series where you can ask us anything. This week, we’re tackling tech redundancies.

We hope this open forum will give our community an opportunity to voice their worries, concerns and problems in a safe space. And possibly help others in similar situations at the same time!

This week, we’re tackling tech redundancies, advice on what to do next and coping strategies to help get through these turbulent times.

If you have any questions for us – whether it be about work relationships, gaining confidence, or taking the leap into tech – you can ask us anything.

Think about any career questions you’ve ever wanted to ask, but didn’t know how or were afraid of how it would be received.

Contact us at hello@shecancode.io and simply add ‘Ask SheCanCode Anything’ in the subject line. All questions will remain anonymous, but we’ll provide answers publicly in articles like this one.



As I’m sure you are aware, tech companies around the globe are currently making thousands redundant – and I was unfortunately one of those employees.

To be honest, the whole thing has come as a shock to me – I had a fantastic role, amazing colleagues and the organisation I worked for had a great culture. I just don’t know where to go from here and my mental health has taken a hit.

I’m currently at a loss and my motivation has gone out of the window – where should I start? And how can I remain positive when all seems a bit lost?

Any help and advice you could offer is greatly appreciated!


Redundancy Blues


Firstly, we’re so sorry to hear about your current situation! We really feel for the individuals facing possible redundancies and going through such a turbulent time.

Although it might not feel like it now, there is a way out and a brighter future.

Secondly, it’s not uncommon to feel a sense of loss and grief when you’ve lost your job, so try not to beat yourself up too much. Work takes up a lot of our lives, so even if you were expecting the redundancy, you can still experience feelings of shock, grief, denial, anger and depression.

It’s important to remain calm and positive about the situation – perhaps try and reframe the redundancy as an opportunity to change. Take stock of your situation and look at your options. This could be your opportunity to switch careers, learn something new or just simply give you time to assess what is truly important to you.

If you feel the need to keep busy in this transition period, you could look at completing a free bootcamp or coding course; or use the time to update your CV and LinkedIn profile. However, don’t be harsh on yourself if you have days where you don’t feel like doing anything.

Talking things through can help when you’re facing negative feelings. Don’t feel embarrassed to share your thoughts with family and friends – they are there too support you! You could also reach out to mentors, sponsors or professional career advisors. Speaking to colleagues who are also going through redundancy can help reassure you that your feelings are not unique to you.

Finally, this is just a blip in your career and you will find another amazing opportunity soon!


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