
Empowering women to lead in tech entrepreneurship

Successful business women educated female leaders, tech entrepreneurship


Prof. Dr. Sara Ravan Ramzani, Professor in Research and Quantitative Methods at Gisma University of Applied Sciences, discusses the vital role of women in tech entrepreneurship for economic and social development. Sara addresses the challenges women face and inclusive policies to empower women and drive innovation.

The participation of women in entrepreneurship plays a vital role in promoting social and economic development by offering opportunities for generating money, empowering, and fostering creativity.

tech entrepreneurship

However, their growth is impeded by several challenges, including insufficient resources, restricted market prospects, lack of knowledge, and regulatory frameworks. Barely 11% of businesses owned by women in low-income nations are able to get bank loans. Moreover, businesses led by women have obstacles in terms of accessing markets and obtaining essential skills. Regulations that exhibit discriminatory behaviour against commercial companies run by women  impede the development of 104 economies.

In order to accelerate the present economic circumstances and societal development, it is essential to eliminate the barriers that hinder women entrepreneurs from fully realizing their capabilities. Globally, the proportion of women occupying leadership roles in the technology sector is at around 21 percent. Female entrepreneurs, as owners, still need assistance in obtaining funding. In 2023, a mere 2.3% of enterprises founded by women managed to get investment from venture capital. Women’s empowerment provides them with the opportunity to maximize their capabilities and develop an improved understanding of their role and responsibilities within society. By Closing the Gender Gap in STEM: Additional Measures Needed, women who choose to start their own businesses can attain higher degrees of financial autonomy and control.

tech entrepreneurship

The establishment of specialised networks and ecosystems aimed at addressing the distinct obstacles faced by female entrepreneurs helps in promoting the success of women-led firms. Women can achieve success in the startup industry by using the tools offered by groups like Women’s Startup Lab, the Female Entrepreneurs Partnership, and Women in Tech. These groups provide beneficial networking options for acquiring financial resources and engaging in mentoring activities.

Based on a view from McKinsey, the global economy is projected to see a $28 trillion rise by 2025 due to initiatives focused on enhancing gender equality. Empowering women with extra opportunities to start and expand their enterprises results in increased employment opportunities, heightened efficiency, and overall economic well-being. As an example, Sara Blakely’s enterprise, Spanx, not only revolutionized the shapewear industry but also generated employment opportunities and stimulated economic development via its expansion and accomplishments, illustrating some best practices for women in hardware.

Indra Nooyi achieved substantial recognition as one of the most influential women in the business realm over her 12-year tenure as the Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, which lasted from 2006 to 2018. During her tenure, PepsiCo achieved significant growth and diversified its product range to include a wider selection of health-conscious options. Nooyi’s ability to stimulate innovation and adapt to changing customer demands played a significant role in the company’s triumph.

Arianna Huffington, a Greek-American businesswoman, is one of the co-founders of HuffPost, formerly known as The Huffington Post. She transformed the field of reporting and media by developing a platform that enabled the dissemination of a wide range of opinions and the direct participation of non-professional journalists. The purchase of HuffPost by AOL greatly enhanced Huffington’s profile in the corporate world. Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder and CEO of the renowned dating application Bumble, empowers women to initiate conversations. Herd’s objective to enhance the safety and inclusivity of dating has been popular with a vast number of people globally. Under Herd’s management, Bumble has flourished into a very profitable enterprise valued at billions of dollars, exceeding the projections of the historically male-dominated field of information technology.

Mary Barra achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first female chief executive officer of General Motors, a prominent participant in the worldwide automotive sector. Barra’s journey to the pinnacle of a historically male-dominated sector is evidence of her outstanding aptitude for leadership and steadfast determination. She has played a crucial role in fostering innovation and revolutionising General Motors into a company that prioritises consumer satisfaction and environmental sustainability. These are few remarkable female entrepreneurs that serve as a source of inspiration. Their narratives demonstrate that women who possess strong passion, unwavering determination, and a forward-thinking mindset can flourish in the realm of business. Their narratives serve as a source of inspiration for women in business.

Mentorship schemes should provide direction to women in the industry and must provide support for other female workers at lower levels within an organisation. Inexperienced women should be given the chance to acquire improved knowledge, important perspectives, guidance, and networking prospects under the guidance of experienced and successful women.

To enhance the progress of women’s careers, it is essential to provide them with tailored technical training. The company must create a networking organisation for women in technology that encompasses the whole organisation. These clubs are required to provide a hospitable atmosphere for women to establish connections, share ideas, and progress in their professional endeavours. The company should engage in partnerships with groups that provide help to women in the field of technology.

Collaborating with other groups allows for increased outreach, expanded resource availability, and amplified influence. It creates opportunities for women in the technology field to have an equitable influence on projects and assume leadership roles if provided with the opportunity.

Women in the technology field are given power and authority, and the promotion of entrepreneurial leadership is encouraged via the implementation of specialised training, mentorship programmes, networking opportunities, and collaborations with groups consisting of women who work in technology. Legislators, investors, educators, and business executives should cooperate to enhance the number of women starting technical enterprises.

To contribute to long-term prosperity, the digital economy, innovation, and development must give priority to equality and justice. Enabling women to take charge, create new ideas, and transform technology, foster diversity, inclusivity, and assistance.


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